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While working on a Timer Job project, I needed a flexible way to store one-time configuration settings. I was using a SharePoint Feature and FeatureReceiver to install and activate the Timer Job, so I decided to use the Feature.XML file as a repository for the initial configuration settings Job.

I used the Properties node of the feature.xml file to store the settings:

Then, during the FeatureActivated event, I passed those values into the Properties bag on the Timer Job class:

Then, in the Timer Job’s Execute method, grabbed those settings and used them:

I didn’t have a need to make run-time changes to the configuration settings, so this worked out really well. To change the defaults and apply new settings, the process was as simple as:

  • Deactivate the feature (uninstalls the Timer Job)
  • Change the feature.xml file
  • Re-activate the feature

I enjoy working with the ASP.NET Wizard control – it’s one of the more useful controls available, and there always seems to be a place for a wizard in the custom apps I’ve written. Over time I’ve developed a helper method that makes it easier to do non-linear jumps from step to step.

GetIndexFromStep(WizardStepBase step)

Often, in a NextButtonClick event handler for a Wizard, you need to figure out what the current step is that you are on, based on the WizardNavigationEventArgs e.CurrentStepIndex property. Here is a helper method to enable you to do that:

You can also package it up as an extension method (.NET 3.5) off of the Wizard or WizardStepBase object:

If you’ve given your wizard steps specific IDs, then you can use them strongly typed in a NextButtonClick event:

Recently I saw an access denied error when a user tried to edit a SharePoint Designer workflow task. The error did not occur if the user was a site collection administrator, but did occur even if they had full control to the site, list, and task list.

Running through the Request Access pages, it appeared that SharePoint did not think the user had rights to the task list, even though they did after thoroughly checking permissions.

I figured that it was having trouble with permissions to the ASPX pages from the Designer-generated tasks forms, so I solved it by doing the following:

  • Open the site in SharePoint designer
  • Locate the “Workflows” node in the tree view.
  • Right-click “Workflows” and select Properties.
  • Click the Security tab.
  • Choose the option to manage permissions from the browser.

It turns out that this “Workflows” node is actually a SharePoint folder object, and it turned out that this folder did not inherit permissions from the parent. The web page for managing permissions that came up showed me this, and enabled me to reinherit permissions and fix the problem.

I’m not sure why that folder didn’t inherit permissions though, I’d never seen that before.

After activating a custom SharePoint feature I created, the web application I activated it on stopped responding, and gave me a 403 forbidden error.

This link from MSDN (see the Notes section) helped me to identify that the NTFS permissions were screwed up on the feature folder and files (since I created them through windows explorer). Re-inheriting permissions from the parent “Features” folder solved the problem.