Panorama of Mt. St. Helens

Here is a link to a panorama I took of Mt. St. Helens from the south side, near the Lahar viewpoint. I had never been to that side of the mountain before, and it was well worth the long trip. The views of the mountain were incredible, and there were several excellent hikes, including Ape…

NBA Playoffs 2009 – Online Bust

As much as I hate David Stern and the NBA for moving the Sonics, I still enjoy watching the best players during the playoffs. Since I don’t have cable TV, and am often too busy on weekends to catch the network television games on ABC, the last two years I’ve purchased the playoff games online…

My wallet is open, but the NBA doesn't want my money

I’m one of those people without cable or dish television service, so I get to miss all the good NBA games. Last year during playoff time, I purchased video of some of the games to download and watch on my PC from The interface was clunky, the shopping cart system broken at times, but…